maestral offers a multi-scale scientific approach combining tests, characterization and simulation in order to develop sealing solutions that meet present and future needs. maestral brings together the strengths of TECHNETICS GROUP, leader in the field of high-performance industrial sealing and CEA (French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Agency), a major player in research and innovative developments for energy technologies.maestral makes available to all its partners and clients the R&D support of a high-tech laboratory.

Ariane 5 HELICOFLEX® metallic seal Nuclear reactor
4th Workshop on Sealing - Predictive approach of sealing - October 2nd, 2019 - Le Pont du Gard (France)
09h00 - 09h30 | Registration |
09h30 - 09h45 | Welcome address |
09h45 - 10h15 | Consideration of uncertainties in the simulation of a metal seal behavior Florent LEDRAPPIER - TECHNETICS - maestral lab |
10h15 - 10h45 | Elements about measurement and prediction in static sealing Didier LASSEUX - I2M TREFLE - Université de Bordeaux |
10h45- 11h15 | Coffee break |
11h15 - 11h45 | Study on the behavior of elastomer seals Benoit OMNES - CETIM / LRCCP |
11h45 - 12h15 | Internal sealing of valves subject to temperature variation Jean-François RIT - EDF |
12h15 - 14h00 | Lunch |
14h00 - 14h30 | Predictive determination of sealing performance for metal seal Tony ZAOUTER - CEA - maestral lab |
14h30- 15h00 | Weakly and strongly coupled simulations of interfacial fluid flow at roughness scale Vladislav YASTREBOV - Mines ParisTech |
15h00 - 15h30 | How does simulation help to predict the life of inflatable seals? François ROUILLARD - TECHNETICS - maestral lab |
15h30 - 15h45 | Wrap up |
16h00 - 17h30 | Visit of Pont du Gard |
Our ambition
The challenges that we take on every day push away the boundaries of technology.
The level of performance to be achieved is increasingly demanding. The objectives of end users are to reach extremely low leakage rates of around 10⁻¹² to 10⁻¹¹ mbar.l.s⁻¹ corresponding to the volume of a pinhead, which would take 200 or even 2000 years to leak out!
The challenges faced are linked to increasingly difficult operating conditions, which can combine different constraints, such as high pressure and temperature, complex mechanical stresses, interactions between materials and in relation to fluids, bacterial aggressiveness.
This is the case, for example, with energy technologies, both in the nuclear field and that of alternative energies.